![NFCC Connect 2025](https://www.nfcc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Connect2025_Banner.png)
Conference Agenda
Welcome to CONNECT 2024! The dress code for all conference sessions is business casual. While we anticipate warm, summery weather, light jackets or sweaters are recommended as temperatures inside the hotel can be cool. Please consider wearing an outfit on Tuesday afternoon which provides some freedom of movement during our team-building session. See below for more detail.
Monday, August 26th
Preregistration for NFCC Board of Trustees and Staff
2:00 – 3:00 PM
Registration Desk, Lower Level
Attendee Registration
3:00 – 7:00 PM
Registration Desk, Lower Level
Launch your CONNECT 2024 experience by signing in at our Registration Desk. Receive your name badge, conference materials and confirm participation in HUD and/or breakout sessions.
Joint NFCC Board and CMA Meeting
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Hirschorn, Lower Level
Global Alliance Meeting
4:15 – 5:15 PM
Hirschorn, Lower Level
The Global Credit Counseling Alliance (GCCA), a newly formed coalition of nonprofit credit counseling associations, will meet during the NFCC annual conference to continue collaborative discussions that advance financial well-being globally.
Welcome Reception
5:15 – 7:15 PM
Marina Room and Grand Lawn, Lobby Level
Join conference Emcee Herb Weisbaum, NFCC staff, and new and veteran attendees as we kick off CONNECT 2024! Enjoy light refreshments, networking, and a game of Cornhole before heading to nearby eateries or DC landmarks.
NFCC Board and CMA Dinner
6:00 PM
Off Site
Dinner On Your Own
7:15 PM
Tuesday, August 27th
7:00 – 8:30 AM
Gallery Ballroom, Lower Level
Welcome and State of the Sector
8:30 – 9:00 AM
Grand Ballroom, Lower Level
Mike Croxson, CEO, NFCC
The industry has come through a challenging period and continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. We’re helping more consumers than ever, but there is much work yet to do. Hear how NFCC has made progress toward its strategic objectives, where we still have real need, and where new opportunities lie.
What the Data Tell Us: Findings From the NFCC Financial Stress Forecast
9:00 – 9:30 AM
Grand Ballroom, Lower Level
Tara Kenyon, PhD, Founder, The Tara Kenyon Group
The latest NFCC Financial Stress Forecast indicates that American families continue to experience increased financial pressures at levels significantly higher than any time during the past three years. Learn how to leverage this powerful data to better understand what the next quarter holds for consumers and creditors.
Coffee Break
9:30 – 9:45 AM
Exhibit Hall, Lower Level
A Conversation About Open Banking
9:45 – 10:45 AM
Grand Ballroom, Lower Level
Matt Ribe, General Counsel, NFCC
Tom Carpenter, Senior Vice President, Open Banking and Finance, Finicity
Rafe Dunlap, Vice President, Head of Collections Risk, LendingClub
Marko Ivanov, Senior Vice President, Diversified Markets, TransUnion
Tom McCormick, Co-chief Executive Officer, BMG Money
Ian Moloney, Senior Vice President, Head of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, American Fintech Council
Join members of the American FinTech Council for a discussion about open banking—promoting responsible innovation and consumer protections. How will open banking impact nonprofit credit counseling in the future? How can we ensure that consumers have access to cutting-edge technology and products?
Coffee Break
10:45 – 11:00 AM
Exhibit Hall, Lower Level
Partner Message
Shannah Stephens, Senior Vice President, Community Banking Strategy Executive, Bank of America
Bank of America’s community banking efforts support the financial lives of clients. Learn more about the partnership between NFCC and Navicore Solutions, which is a core part of the community banking efforts to connect clients to financial coaching and credit counseling.
Be the Change: What Employers Need to Know About Debt and Worker Productivity
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Grand Ballroom, Lower Level
Tiffany Aliche, Social Media Influencer, Educator and Author
Stacey Tisdale, Finance Journalist and Stellar-Fi Co-founder
A new proprietary survey identifies credit card debt as a primary stressor impacting productivity in the workplace. So, what can we do to address the financial and psychological toll that debt is placing on the overall wellness of American workers?
12:00 – 1:00 PM
Gallery Ballroom, Lower Level
Community Conversations
Community 1: NFCC Members
Community 2: Funders and Partners
1:00 – 2:30 PM
Please join your community, NFCC Members or NFCC Funders and Partners, for back-to-back sessions devoted to promoting solutions-focused conversations relevant to each group. We will share takeaways from all sessions in a format such that you can add your input and participate in all discussion.
NFCC Member Track
Session 1: Community Conversation with Agency Representatives
1:00 – 1:40 PM
Grand Ballroom, Lower Level
Phyllis Caldwell-George, President and CEO, Financial Pathways of the Piedmont
Kelly Hansen, Director of Financial Solutions, FamilyMeans
Gary Herman, President, Consolidated Credit
Loretta Roney, President and CEO, InCharge Debt Solutions
Christopher Viale, President and CEO, Cambridge Credit Counseling Corp.
A dialogue led by Members, we’ll work together to identify how to increase consumer access to counseling while engaging new creditors. How can we leverage emerging tools and technologies? What are the greatest challenges and opportunities facing agencies today?
Session 2: Topic Breakouts With Agency Representatives
1:50 – 2:30 PM
Grand Ballroom, Lower Level (Organizational Strategy)
Grand Ballroom C, Lower Level (Marketing and Connections)
Portrait, Lower Level (Counseling and Education)
Johnny Cantrell, President and CEO, Apprisen
Karen Carlson, Vice President, Education and Digital Marketing, InCharge Debt Solutions
Barbara “BJ” Beaman, B.S. MLC., CTR. Financial Wellness Program Manager
Again led by Members, these discussions will focus on challenges and opportunities within specific functional areas: Organizational Strategy, Marketing and Connections, and Counseling and Education. How can the power of collective thought lead to greater collaboration among agencies? How can the NFCC help build synergies?
Funders and Partners Track
Session 1: Nonprofit in a Debt Settlement World
1:00 – 1:40 PM
Hillwood, Lower Level
Mike Croxson, CEO, National Foundation for Credit Counseling
The growth of the debt settlement industry over the last five years has had a profound impact on the financial position of consumers and creditors alike. While debt settlement can be an appropriate solution for deeply distressed consumers, how does the credit counseling industry educate and serve consumers in a highly competitive marketplace?
Session 2: Celebrating Impact and Unlocking New Horizons
1:50 – 2:30 PM
Hillwood, Lower Level
Kristin Alexander, Chief Development Officer, NFCC
Hermond Palmer, Vice President, Outreach and Inclusion, NFCC
Driving successful outcomes for consumers, financial support is critical to the NFCC’s ability to serve growing numbers of individuals and families. Discover how your support is transforming the financial industry and connecting with new consumer segments. Explore industry trends and collective opportunities for 2025.
Coffee Break
2:30 – 3:00 PM
Exhibit Hall, Lower Level
HUD Training Sessions: Housing Counseling Handbook Highlights
Session 1: 2:45 – 3:45 PM
Session 2: 3:45 – 4:45 PM
Freer, Lower Level
Terri Ames, Housing Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Join the Department of Housing and Urban Development to learn about key changes to the latest publication of the HUD Housing Counseling Handbook 7610.1 (Rev-6). How do these revisions affect day-to-day housing counseling and agency management?
Team Building Session: Build a Bike!
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Gallery Ballroom, Lower Level
Tackle a challenge together! How many bikes can we build for underserved children? The most collaborative, productive, spirited teams will be recognized and rewarded for extraordinary efforts.
Please consider wearing an outfit which provides some freedom of movement during this session.
Creditor Mingle
4:30 – 6:30 PM
Salamander Foyer, Lower Level
Enjoy cocktails and light refreshments during an informal networking reception with our creditor partners—established and new, small and large. Nurture or build relationships with the organizations that support the critical work Member Agencies do every day.
“Cap” It Off: Nationals Baseball Outing
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Salamander Foyer, Lower Level
End the day relaxing with colleagues while taking in a Nationals baseball game! Enjoy transportation to and from the stadium and a $15 Nationals gift card, which may be applied toward food and beverages during the game.
Preregistration for this event is required. Spouses and other guests may attend at an additional cost.
Wednesday, August 28th
7:00 – 8:30 AM
Gallery Ballroom, Lower Level
NFCC Member Meeting
8:30 – 9:30 AM
Grand Ballroom, Lower Level
NFCC Members gather to review progress around strategic objectives and conduct elections to the NFCC Board of Trustees and the Council on Member Affairs.
Empowering Indebted Consumers: Priorities of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
9:30 – 10:20 AM
Grand Ballroom, Lower Level
John McNamara, Principal Assistant Director, Markets, CFPB
What’s top-of-mind for the Federal agency dedicated to ensuring that consumers are treated fairly by banks and other financial institutions? What do leaders see as their greatest challenge in today’s competitive marketplace?
Coffee Break
10:20 – 10:35 AM
Exhibit Hall
Innovative Ideas: How Can We Benefit From New Technologies and Products?
10:35 – 11:25 AM
Grand Ballroom, Lower Level
Presenters take the stage in rapid succession to share in three minutes or less an innovative idea, challenging the audience to help assess its potential impact on the future of financial health. Which idea is most relevant to Member Agencies? Could partnerships multiply the impact?
Next Steps Networking Sessions
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Innovative Ideas Feedback Forum: Exhibit Hall, Lower Level
Speed Networking: Gallery Ballroom, Lower Level
Open Meeting Time: Grand Ballroom C, Lower Level
Put your next steps in motion: Weigh in on breakout session insights and/or follow up with Innovative Ideas presenters; meet new colleagues during Speed Networking rounds; or take advantage of Open Meeting time to collaborate.
Brighter Financial Future Award and
Life Beyond Debt Banquet
12:30 – 2:30 PM
Grand Ballroom, Lower Level
Moderator: Herb Weisbaum
Brighter Financial Future Awardee:
David Devaney, 2024 Client of the Year (American Financial Solutions)
Jennifer Bryant, 2023 Client of the Year (Credit Counseling of Arkansas)
Johnika Nixon, 2022 Client of the Year (Money Management International)
Jonathan Unverzagt, 2014 Client of the Year (Consumer Credit Counseling Services)
Celebrate the accomplishments of this year’s Client of the Year and those of former clients who will share how credit counseling changed their lives—and what the process taught them about the rewards of life beyond debt.
Conference Adjourns
2:30 PM
About the NFCC
Founded in 1951, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling is the oldest nonprofit dedicated to improving people’s financial well-being. With over 1,200 NFCC Certified Credit Counselors serving all 50 states and U.S. territories, NFCC nonprofit counselors are financial advocates, empowering millions of consumers to take charge of their finances through one-on-one financial reviews that address credit card debt, student loans, housing decisions, and overall money management.